A Safety Chain may also be used for added security

Charm bracelets have been fashionable and worn throughout the ages.

Shells, animal-bones and clay were used to make jewellery charms by prehistoric man and as early as 75,000 years ago, there is evidence from Africa that shells were used for   Pandora Beads Glass  adornment. Even Queen Victoria wore charm bracelets that started a fashion among the European noble classes!

The Pandora style charm bracelet system, which originated in the Norrebrogade area of Copenhagen in 1982, is a brilliant and modern version of a charm bracelet. Instead of   Silver Pandora Beads  hanging the charms and beads, they are drilled with a central hole and screw or slide onto a snake-chain bracelet. They are also interchangeable to allow wearers to create their own look.

The metal bracelet is divided into 3 or 4 segments, and fastens together with a bead shaped box clasp which  Cheap Pandora Jewellery  closes seamlessly over the ends of the chain, and looks just like any other bead on your bracelet.

There are special beads called  which may be used to conceal the additional raised   Charms  sections on the chain. They clip onto the raised sections and fasten similarly to the box clasp.

A Safety Chain may also be used for added security.

There are numerous other types of clasps used for the Pandora style bracelet which include a lobster  Cheap Pandora Jewellery Pandora Beads Glass Silver Pandora Beads Pandora Bracelets UK claw clasp or toggle clasp.

The charms can be made from various types of metal, ranging from alloy to sterling silver; silver plated to gold plated, and come in many different shapes, such as prams, animals, teapots, four-leaf clovers and many more. There are charms called   Pandora Bracelets UK  which are usually plainer and can have embedded stones, and/or enamel colours.
Par wanghuanju le vendredi 13 mai 2011


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